Strangelove July 25 (Tuesday) after lecture 1946 King’s X”Meanwhile…Operation CrossroadsThe Soviet ResponseAmerican Reluctance to Persevere for International Control?The Resultlecture 12Announcements Henry Stimson begins to have doubts about secrecy and the SovietsByrnes and the Direct Approach to the Russians – Fall 1945The Cold War EmergesAttempts at International Atomic ControlThe UN and the Baruch PlanWhat does Baruch know about nukes?Robert Frost’s Poem“U.S. AnnouncementsDefending the Official Story of Hiroshima1960s- New Sources Emerge‘Revisionist’ Historians Reconsider Atomic Bomb DecisionHistorians Continue to Add Their ViewsThis is all academic, though…Hiroshima 50 Years Later:The Enola Gay ExhibitPurpose of ExhibitTriumph of the Hiroshima Narrative = A Defeat for History?DénouementEarly Attempts to Control The Atom1945-47Some points to consider…The Myth of The Atomic SecretCol.